'--- 新帖调用
if boardid = "0" then
if poll="1" then
sql = "select distinct top " & listnum & " ta.id,ta.title,ta.titlestyle,ta.boardid,ta.lasttime,ta.username,ta.hits from " &tora & " as ta inner join leadbbs_voteitem as tb on ta.id=tb.announceid where ta.topictype=80 and ta.boardid not in (444,20) and (tb.expirestime=0 or tb.expirestime>" & nowtime & ") order by ta.id desc"
sql = "select top " & listnum & " id,title,titlestyle,boardid,lasttime,username,hits from " &tora & " where boardid not in (444,20) order by id desc"
end if
if poll="1" then
sql = "select distinct top " & listnum & " ta.id,ta.title,ta.titlestyle,ta.boardid,ta.lasttime,ta.username,ta.hits from " &tora & " as ta inner join leadbbs_voteitem as tb on ta.id=tb.announceid where ta.boardid=" & boardid & " and ta.topictype=80 and ta.boardid not in (444,20) and (tb.expirestime=0 or tb.expirestime>" & nowtime & ") order by ta.id desc"
sql = "select top " & listnum & " id,title,titlestyle,boardid,lasttime,username,hits from " &tora& " where boardid=" & boardid & " and ta.boardid not in (444,20) order by id desc"
end if
end if
end if |