数据库与vb的连接:本系统的数据链接采用的是ado方法,打开控制面板,打开odbc数据源图标,选择“系统dsn”标签,点击“添加”按钮,在弹出的“创建新数据源”对话框中选择名称为“microsoft access drive(*.mdb)”,点击“完成”按钮,在odbc microsoft access 安装对话框中在数据源名中输入信息,在数据库这个框中, 单击“选择”按钮,在弹出的选择数据库这一对话框架中,在驱动器下拉列表框中选择本系统数据库所在驱动器,在目录中选择库所在的文件夹,在文件类型中选择选“access数据库(*.mdb)”,在数据库名中选择本系统的数据库,点击“确定”按钮即完成数据链接。
在vb中,用adodc链接数据库,用datagrid或data将库中的数据在界面中显示出来,本系统采用datagrid。在界面上右击adodc控制,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择属性,在属性对话框中,在“属性”这一标签中, 选中单选框“use odbc data source name”,并在下拉文本框中选择已经配置好的数据源名信息,再在“recordsoure”标签中,在commard text(sql)文本框中输入查询语句,如:select * from 学生档案。同时,将桌面的datagrid控件选中,在属性框中,将它的datasoure设为adodc。
private sub command1_click()
dim mycon as new adodb.connection
dim myrs as new adodb.recordset
dim zhuanye, nianji, xueqi, kecheng, jiaocai, renkls, keshi, shangkedd, kechengxz, kaoshixz as string
zhuanye = text1.text
nianji = text2.text
xueqi = dtpicker1.value
kecheng = text4.text
jiaocai = text5.text
renkls = text6.text
keshi = text7.text
shangkedd = text8.text
kechengxz = combo1.text
kaoshixz = combo2.text
if trim(zhuanye) = "" or trim(nianji) = "" or trim(xueqi) = "" or trim(kecheng) = "" or trim(jiaocai) = "" or trim(renkls) = "" or trim(keshi) = "" or trim(shangkedd) = "" or trim(kechengxz) = "" or trim(kaoshixz) = "" then
msgbox "请填写要修改课程资料的内容!"
combo1.text = ""
combo2.text = ""
exit sub
end if
private sub command3_click()
unload me
frm_findgrean.show 1
end sub
private sub datagrid1_click()
'frm_updategrean.adodc1.recordsource = "select * from 课程表 where 专业 = '" & trim(datagrid1.row) & "'"
'text1.text = frm_updategrean.adodc1.recordset.fields("专业")
'text2.text = frm_updategrean.adodc1.recordset.fields("年级")
'text3.text = frm_updategrean.adodc1.recordset.fields("学期")
'text4.text = frm_updategrean.adodc1.recordset.fields("课程名称")
'text5.text = frm_updategrean.adodc1.recordset.fields("教材")
'text6.text = frm_updategrean.adodc1.recordset.fields("任课老师")
'text7.text = frm_updategrean.adodc1.recordset.fields("课时")
'text8.text = frm_updategrean.adodc1.recordset.fields("上课地点")
'combo1.text = frm_updategrean.adodc1.recordset.fields("课程性质")
'combo2.text = frm_updategrean.adodc1.recordset.fields("考试性质")
end sub
private sub dtpicker1_callbackkeydown(byval keycode as integer, byval shift as integer, byval callbackfield as string, callbackdate as date)
end sub
private sub form_activate()
frm_findgrean.adodc1.recordsource = strtiaojian
set datagrid1.datasource = frm_findgrean.adodc1
end sub
end sub
dim sqlstr as string
private sub combo1_change()
end sub
private sub combo2_change()
end sub
private sub combo4_change()
end sub
private sub combo5_change()
end sub
private sub combo7_change()
end sub
private sub command1_click()
dim a as string
dim kccx1 as string
dim kccx2 as string
dim str1 as string
dim str2 as string
if option3.value = true then
a = trim(combo2)
select case a
case "="
kccx1 = "" & combo1.text & " " & combo2.text & " '" & trim(text1) & "'"
case "like"
kccx1 = "instr(1," & combo1.text & ",'" & trim(text1.text) & "')<>0 "
end select
a = trim(combo4)
select case a
case "="
kccx2 = "" & combo3.text & " " & combo4.text & " '" & trim(text2) & "'"
case "like"
kccx2 = "instr(1," & combo3.text & ",'" & trim(text2.text) & "')<>0 "
end select
if option1.value = true then
if kccx1 = "" then
strtiaojian = "select * from 课程表 where " & kccx2
elseif kccx2 = "" then
strtiaojian = "select * from 课程表 where " & kccx1
strtiaojian = "select * from 课程表 where " & kccx1 & "and " & kccx2
end if
elseif option2.value = true then
if kccx1 = "" then
strtiaojian = "select * from 课程表 where " & kccx2
elseif kccx2 = "" then
strtiaojian = "select * from 课程表 where " & kccx1
strtiaojian = "select * from 课程表 where " & kccx1 & "or " & kccx2
end if
if kccx1 = "" then
strtiaojian = "select * from 课程表 where " & kccx2
elseif kccx2 = "" then
strtiaojian = "select * from 课程表 where " & kccx1
msgbox "请选择连接方式!", vbokonly, "警告"
exit sub
end if
end if
if (kccx1 & kccx2) = "" then
msgbox "请输入查询类别!", vbokonly, "警告"
exit sub
unload me
frm_updategrean.show 1
end if
end if
if option4.value = true then
if val(combo6) > val(combo9) then
msgbox "请正确选择年份!", vbokonly + vbexclamation, "信息提示"
exit sub
if val(combo6) = val(combo9) then
if val(combo7) > val(combo10) then
msgbox "请正确选择月份!", vbokonly + vbexclamation, "信息提示"
exit sub
if val(combo7) = val(combo10) then
if val(combo8) > val(combo11) then
msgbox "请正确选择日期!", vbokonly + vbexclamation, "信息提示"
exit sub
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
if combo6.text = "" or combo7.text = "" or combo8.text = "" or combo9.text = "" or combo10.text = "" or combo11.text = "" then
msgbox "请输入完整的日期", vbokonly, "警告"
exit sub
end if
if sqlstr = "" then
sqlstr = "" & trim(combo5.text) & ">=#" & format(str1, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "# and " & trim(combo5.text) & "<= #" & format(str2, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#"
sqlstr = sqlstr & " and " & trim(combo5.text) & ">=#" & format(str1, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "# and " & trim(combo5.text) & "<= #" & format(str2, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#"
end if
if sqlstr = "" then
msgbox "请先输入查找时间!"
exit sub
end if
strtiaojian = "select 专业,年级,学期,课程名称,教材,任课老师,课时,上课地点,课程性质,考试性质 from 课程表 where " & sqlstr
unload me
frm_updategrean.show 1
end if
if option3.value <> true and option4.value <> true then
msgbox "请选择查询方式!", vbokonly, "警告"
exit sub
end if
end sub
private sub command3_click()
unload me
end sub
private sub form_load()
dim i, j as integer
for i = 1999 to 2010
combo6.additem i
combo9.additem i
next i
combo6.listindex = 0
combo9.listindex = 0
for i = 1 to 12
combo7.additem i
combo10.additem i
next i
combo7.listindex = 0
combo10.listindex = 0
for i = 1 to 31
combo8.additem i
combo11.additem i
next i
combo8.listindex = 0
combo11.listindex = 0
combo1.additem ("专业")
combo1.additem ("年级")
combo1.additem ("课程名称")
combo1.additem ("教材")
combo1.additem ("任课老师")
'combo1.additem ("课时")
combo1.additem ("课程性质")
combo1.additem ("考试性质")
combo2.additem ("=")
combo3.additem ("专业")
combo3.additem ("年级")
combo3.additem ("课程名称")
combo3.additem ("教材")
combo3.additem ("任课老师")
'combo3.additem ("课时")
combo3.additem ("课程性质")
combo3.additem ("考试性质")
combo4.additem ("=")
combo5.additem ("学期")
combo1.text = ""
combo2.text = ""
text1.text = ""
combo3.text = ""
combo4.text = ""
text2.text = ""
combo5.text = ""
combo6.text = ""
combo7.text = ""
combo8.text = ""
combo9.text = ""
combo10.text = ""
combo11.text = ""
end sub
7.1.2 打印统计
private sub command1_click()
dim sqloriginal as string
dim sqladd as string
dim sqlorder as string
dim strsql as string
sqloriginal = "select 年级,专业,人数,辅导员,备注 from 班级表 "
sqladd = "where 年级=年级 and 专业=专业 "
sqlorder = ""
if check1.value = 1 and isnumeric(text1) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 年级='" + text1 + "'"
end if
if check2.value = 1 and not isnull(text2) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 专业='" + text2 + "'"
end if
if check3.value = 1 and isnumeric(text3) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 人数='" + text3 + "'"
end if
if check4.value = 1 and not isnull(text4) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 辅导员='" + text4 + "'"
end if
strsql = sqloriginal + sqladd + sqlorde
if dat_main.rsdat_class.state = 1 then
end if
dat_main.rsdat_class.open strsql
dat_class.show vbmodal
text1.text = ""
text2.text = ""
text3.text = ""
text4.text = ""
end sub
private sub command2_click()
unload me
end sub
private sub form_load()
text1.text = ""
text2.text = ""
text3.text = ""
text4.text = ""
end sub
private sub text1_change()
end sub
private sub text3_change()
end sub
private sub command1_click()
dim sqloriginal as string
dim sqladd as string
dim sqlorder as string
dim strsql as string
on error resume next
sqloriginal = "select * from 学生档案 "
sqladd = "where 学号=学号 and 姓名=姓名 "
sqlorder = ""
if check1.value = 1 and isnumeric(text1) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 学号='" + text1 + "'"
end if
if check2.value = 1 and not isnull(text2) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 姓名='" + text2 + "'"
end if
if check3.value = 1 and not isnull(text3) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 专业='" + text3 + "'"
end if
if check4.value = 1 and isdate(dtpicker1) then
sqladd = sqladd + " and 出生年月= # " & dtpicker1.value & "#"
end if
strsql = sqloriginal + sqladd + sqlorde
if dat_main.rsdat_strudent.state = 1 then
end if
dat_main.rsdat_strudent.open strsql
dat_strudent.show vbmodal
text1.text = ""
text2.text = ""
text3.text = ""
end sub
private sub command2_click()
unload me
end sub
private sub form_load()
'combo1.additem ("男")
'combo1.additem ("女")
text1.text = ""
text2.text = ""
text3.text = ""
end sub
private sub text1_change()
end sub
private sub command1_click()
dim sqloriginal as string
dim sqladd as string
dim sqlorder as string
dim strsql as string
sqloriginal = "select * from 课程表 "
sqladd = "where 专业=专业 and 课程名称=课程名称 "
sqlorder = ""
if check1.value = 1 and not isnull(text1) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 专业='" + text1 + "'"
end if
if check2.value = 1 and not isnull(combo1) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 课程性质='" + combo1 + "'"
end if
'if check3.value = 1 and not isnumeric(text2) then
'sqladd = sqladd + "and 课时='" + text2 + "'"
'end if
if check4.value = 1 and not isnull(text3) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 课程名称='" + text3 + "'"
end if
strsql = sqloriginal + sqladd + sqlorde
if dat_main.rsdat_grean.state = 1 then
end if
dat_main.rsdat_grean.open strsql
dat_grean.show vbmodal
text1.text = ""
combo1.text = ""
'text2.text = ""
text3.text = ""
end sub
private sub command2_click()
unload me
end sub
private sub form_load()
text1.text = ""
'text2.text = ""
text3.text = ""
combo1.text = ""
combo1.additem ("必修")
combo1.additem ("选修")
combo1.additem ("自开")
end sub
private sub text3_change()
end sub
private sub command1_click()
dim sqloriginal as string
dim sqladd as string
dim sqlorder as string
dim strsql as string
on error resume next
sqloriginal = "select * from 成绩表 "
sqladd = "where 学号=学号 and 姓名=姓名 "
sqlorder = ""
if check1.value = 1 and isnumeric(text1) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 学号='" + text1 + "'"
end if
if check2.value = 1 and not isnull(text2) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 姓名='" + text2 + "'"
end if
if check3.value = 1 and not isnull(text3) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 考试科目='" + text3 + "'"
end if
if check4.value = 1 then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 科目分数<60"
end if
strsql = sqloriginal + sqladd + sqlorde
if dat_main.rsdat_chengj.state = 1 then
end if
dat_main.rsdat_chengj.open strsql
dat_chengj.show vbmodal
text1.text = ""
text2.text = ""
text3.text = ""
end sub
private sub command2_click()
unload me
end sub
private sub form_load()
text1.text = ""
text2.text = ""
text3.text = ""
'text4.text = ""
end sub
private sub text1_change()
end sub
private sub command1_click()
dim sqloriginal as string
dim sqladd as string
dim sqlorder as string
dim strsql as string
sqloriginal = "select 学号,姓名,学期,本学期应交费用,实际交费,本次欠费 from 交费表 "
sqladd = "where 学号=学号 and 姓名=姓名 "
sqlorder = ""
if check1.value = 1 and isnumeric(text1) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 学号='" + text1 + "'"
end if
if check2.value = 1 and not isnull(text2) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 姓名='" + text2 + "'"
end if
if check3.value = 1 and isnumeric(text3) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 实际交费='" + text3 + "'"
end if
if check4.value = 1 and isnumeric(text4) then
sqladd = sqladd + "and 本次欠费='" + text4 + "'"
end if
strsql = sqloriginal + sqladd + sqlorde
if dat_main.rsdat_jiaof.state = 1 then
end if
dat_main.rsdat_jiaof.open strsql
dat_jiaof.show vbmodal
text1.text = ""
text2.text = ""
text3.text = ""
text4.text = ""
end sub
private sub command2_click()
unload me
end sub
private sub form_load()
text1.text = ""
text2.text = ""
text3.text = ""
text4.text = ""
end sub