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free web hosting accounts with design software
free hosting accounts (unlimited free service)
create a free hosting account (regular terms are applicable)
features: sub domain, pop3 and web mail enabled.
website creator:
create a professional looking website in minutes using our online software, content manger.
windows 2003 servers.
web based website creator software.
create a website from ready made design or from blank.
also publishes custom design (front page , dream weaver etc) for easy management.
500 mb web space to store your files.
unlimited ftp access
30gig bandwidth per month, for your audience to browse your site..
ms front page server extension.
50 pop3 mail box anyname@yourdomain for your personal mail server with worldwide roaming multi-user pop mailbox and web mail.
mailing list server built in with web mail.
file upload, fso, cdo, aspmail, jmail, msxml & other components.
ms access database with default secure folder.
ms asp.net platform.
ms active server pages / asp support.
scripting support for aspx, asp, php, perl cgi scripts.
wap & wml scripting support.
powerful control panel. gives total control over your web space and mail server.
no setup fees or hidden costs. {free}
note: mysql database server (coming)
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