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shillan 发表于 2009-6-28 19:22





⑴在windows 98/me中,依次单击“开始”→“运行” →输入“winipcfg”→回车。

⑵在windows 2000/xp中,依次单击“开始”→“运行”→输入“cmd”→回车→输入“ipconfig /all”→回车。


1、如果你的网卡驱动有直接提供克隆mac地址功能,如realtek公司出的rtl8139芯片,那恭喜你了,点击“开始→设置→控制面板”,双击“网络和拨号连接”,右键点击需要修改mac地址的网卡图标,并选择“属性”。在“常规”选项卡中,点击“配置”按钮,点击“高级”选项卡。在“属性”区,你应该可以看到一个称作 “network address”或“locally administered address”的项目,点击它,在右侧“值”的下方,输入你要指定的mac地址值。要连续输入12个数字或字母,不要在其间输入“-”。重新启动一次系统后设置就会生效了(windows 98和windows 2000/xp用户操作略有区别,请参照系统说明操作)   



a.在网上邻居图标上点右键,选择属性,出来一个网络对话框,在配置框中,双击你要修改的网卡,出来一个网卡属性对话框。在高级选项中,也是点击属性标识下的network address项,在右边的两个单选项中选择上面一个,再在框中输入你要修改的网卡mac地址,点确定后,系统会提示你重新启动。重新启动后,你的网卡地址就告修改成功!!

b.点击“开始→运行”,键入“winipcfg”,选择你要修改的网卡,并记录mac地址值。点击“开始→运行”,输入“regedit”运行注册表编辑器(在修改注册表前,一定要先备份注册表),依据注册表树状结构,依次找到“hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\class\net”,你会看到类似“0000”、“0001”、“0002”等样子的子键。从“0000”子键开始点击,依次查找子键下的“driverdesc” 键的内容,直到找到与我们查找的目标完全相同的网卡注册表信息为止。   





如果你使用的是pcmcia卡,你可以按照下面的步骤操作而不必重新启动操作系统:运行winipcfg,选择并释放dhcp设置,关闭winipcfg。打开控制面板或系统托盘“pc card (pcmcia)”,停止并弹出pcmcia网卡。重新插入pcmcia网卡,打开winipcfg,选择并刷新dhcp设置,运行winipcfg,确定修改的mac地址已生效


a.在桌面上网上邻居图标上点右键,选属性,在出来的网络和拨号连接窗口中一般有两个图标,一个是新建连接图标,一个是我的连接图标。如果你的机器上有两个网卡的话,那就有三个图标了。如果你只有一个网卡,那就在我的连接图标上点右键,选属性,会出来一个我的连接属性的窗口。在图口上部有一个连接时使用:的标识,下面就是你机器上的网卡型号了。在下面有一个配置按钮,点击该按钮后就进入了网卡的属性对话框了,这个对话框中有五个属性页,点击第二项高级页,在属性标识下有两项:一个是link speed/duplex mode,这是设置网卡工作速率的,我们需要改的是下面一个network address,点击该项,在对话框右边的值标识下有两个单选项,默认得是不存在 ,我们只要选中上面一个单选项,然后在右边的框中输入你想改的网卡mac地址,点确定,等待一会儿,网卡地址就改好了,你甚至不用停用网卡!

b.1.在“hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\class\4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318燶0000、0001、0002”等主键下, 因为你有可能安装了不止一块网卡,所以在这个主键下馍能会有多个类似于“0000、0001”的主键,这时候你可以查找driverdesc内容为你要修改的网卡的描述相吻合的主键,如“0000”。




4.在“networkaddress”的主键下继续添加名为“paramdesc”的字符串,其作用为指定“networkaddress”主键的描述,其值可为“mac address”(也可以随意设置,这只是个描述,无关紧要,这个值将会在你以后直接修改mac地址的时候作为描述出现),这样重新启动一次以后打开网络邻居的属性,双击相应网卡项会发现有一个高级设置,其下存在mac address (就是你在前面设置的paramdesc,如图(^29041103a^)1)的选项,这就是你在第二步里在注册表中加的新项“networkaddress”,以后只要在此修改mac地址就可以了。

5.关闭注册表编辑器,重新启动,你的网卡地址已经改好了。打开网络邻居的属性,双击相应网卡项会发现有一个mac address的高级设置项。用于直接修改mac地址,而且不需要重新启动就可以实现mac的随时更改。


大部分的网卡都可以通过在控制面板中修改网卡属性来更改其mac地址。在“设备管理器中”,右键点击需要修改mac地址的网卡图标,并选择“属性/高级”选项卡。在“属性”区,就可以看到一个称作“network address”或其他相类似名字的的项目,点击它,在右侧“值”的下方,输入要指定的mac地址值。要连续输入12个十六进制数字或字母,不要在其间输入“-”。



需要用 #ifconfig eth0 down 先把网卡禁用 ,再用ifconfig eth0 hw ether 1234567890ab ,这样就可以改成功了
ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth0 hw ether 1234567890ab   
ifconfig eth0 up

如果你想把网卡的mac地址恢复原样,只要再次把network address项右边的单选项选择为下面一个没有显示再重新启动即可。在win2000下面是选择不存在,当然也不用重新启动了。



1.如果该猫可以关闭snmp协议,那就把snmp用的161端口禁止就行了.使用路由器或打开adsl猫的路由模式共享上网的朋友可以进入管理界面有关闭snmp选项的关掉它。如果猫的管理界面无关闭snmp选项的只好买一个没有snmp服务的路由器,例如tp-link tl-r400,放到adsl moden和hub中间,如下图.在该路由器中再做一个nat服务,这样进到adsl猫中的就是一个地址,这样就解决了共享上网。 注意在路由器中要关闭snmp协议。







longjail 发表于 2009-6-30 14:30

although neither or them remembered the occasion, diana first met her future husband when she was just a baby. it happened during the winter of 1961, when twelve-year-old charles, prince of wales, was visiting his mother's sandringham retreat.
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even the queen mother. prince charles's grandmother, noticed diana's beauty, grace, and charm. she complimented the earl on the fine job he had done in bringing diana up.
a short time later, prince charles sent his valet to hand-deliver a formal invitation for diana to accompany him that very evening to the opera and a latenight dinner at the palace.
though she was flustered, and the invitation came at such short notice, diana accepted. she and her roommate, carolyn bartholomew, hurried to dress and prepare diana for her big date. the evening was a success, and an invitation to party on the royal yacht came soon after……
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the prince visited diana there every day, offering to escort her to a barbecue, or extending an invitation for a long walk in the woods.
when charles went to switzerland for a ski vacation, diana missed him terribly. he called her after a day or two, and told diana he had something important to ask her.
he arrived home on february, 3, 1981.three days later, he arranged to see diana at windsor castle. late that evening, while prince charles was showing diana the nursery, he asked her to marry him.
to his surprise, [url=http://www.aocpowerleveling-gold.com]aoc power leveling[/url], diana treated his proposal as a joke, she actually giggled. but soon she could see that prince charles was serious. despite an insistent voice inside her head that told her she would never be queen, she accepted his proposal.
diana told prince charles over and over that she loved him.
"whatever love means." was his reply.
whatever love means

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